BREAKING NEWS: Malaysia to seek clemency for Yong Vui Kong

Here’s a brief summary of what transpired in Malaysia today where an emergency motion was put forth to debate the fate of Yong Vui Kong, a Malaysian national who is on Singapore’s death row since 2007 for drug trafficking.

Dispatch by Choo Zheng Xi / Kuala Lumpur

Lawyer for death row inmate Yong Vui Kong, Mr Madasamy Ravi, was today put in direct contact with Malaysia’s Director-General of International Affairs to further discuss a possible Malaysian action at the International Court of Justice to protect Yong’s right to due process in the event that judicial review action is rejected.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, together with PKR Parliamentarian Tian Chua, met with Mr Ravi as well. The Foreign Minister promised to write directly to Singapore’s Foreign Minister George Yeo to seek clemency for Yong.

“We sympathise with what had transpired and will do everything possible within our powers or diplomatic means to solve the problem,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby Monday. (The Star Online)

“I will be writing to my counterpart in Singapore based on the arguments put forward (Ravi and Chua) and plead for clemency,” Anifah said.

“He has one more avenue and we will be writing to the Singapore government soon,” the minister said, adding that the time frame will be determined as soon as the legal basis is sorted out. (Free Malaysia Today)

Correspondence will include attached legal opinion from Mr Ravi and will request urgent action.

Mr Ravi also met with various other officials from the various political parties, including the leader of the opposition, Datuk Anwar Ibrahim.

The Online Citizen will have a full report tomorrow (Tuesday).

Read also:

Govt to appeal to S’pore for clemency in Yong’s sentence – The Star Online.

Local man in Singapore death row gets govt support – Free Malaysia Today.

Here’s a video by Malaysiakini of the press conference held in KL this afternoon:

TOC’s Anti-Mandatory Death Penalty video:

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