Debunking Singapore’s government claims on climate change action


As the Singapore mainstream media announced the government’s decision to reduce its carbon emission by 16 percent below ‘business as usual’ levels by 2020, the public is conned into believing that the PAP is doing something to combat or alleviate the effects of climate change. Here are seven contradictions that informs the reader on what is exactly missing in mainstream reports. This is the other side of the story that the Straits Times and TODAY fail to tell you.

First, this commitment is contingent on other states reaching a legally-binding agreement at Copenhagen. Given that the chairman of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has stated that the conference is unlikely to see any legally binding targets being set, it is questionable if the Singapore government would go ahead with the target.

Second, the government has yet to announce how these targets would be achieved. Given the urgency of the climate change issue and a lack of any official proposed polices, it is doubtful if the government can seriously implement any measures on time to meet its target even if it decides to do so.

Third, the reduction of 16 percent by 2020 based on current levels is considered low. According to Simon Tay of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs in a TODAY report, Singapore belongs to the Non-Annex One Countries of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The recommendations for countries in that category are a reduction of carbon emissions between 15 to 30 percent. 16 percent as a target is a low expectation which barely scrape the bottom. This view was seconded by World Wildlife Fund Singapore Director, Amy Ho.

This is a short excerpt of his full article, which can be read on his blog here.

Read also: The Singapore Case for Carbon Tax
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