Barber in the alley

Mr Lee Yoon Tong used to operate his own salon in a shophouse in Tanjong Pagar.

In 2002, he was evicted after a property firm bought over the land his salon used to sit on. He was compensated with a token S$1,000 as moving expenses. He then wrote to his Member of Parliament, Dr Lee Boon Yang, to ask for better compensation. Dr Lee, according to Mr Lee,  told them they should be thankful. “Thankful that we have been spared from high rents (sic) all these years. That we had a good deal all this while,” Mr Lee said.

Mr Lee then moved to the back alley to continue his trade as a barber and he has been there for the last seven years.

Click here to watch the video on Mr Lee’s story by a group of former NTU students.

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