Potong Pasir Town Council rebuts ST report

The following is a letter to the Straits Times (ST) by Mr Wilfred Leung, a town councilor with Potong Pasir Town Council. The ST has not published the letter thus far. The Online Citizen thanks Mr Leung for allowing us to publish it here.

MP for Potong Pasir, Mr Chiam See Tong, with residents

I refer to today’s ST report, “Party will do something right for Potong Pasir”.

The report seems to imply that voters in Potong Pasir have been shortchanged because they did not vote for PAP. I beg to differ.

After the last election, the Potong Pasir Town Council has work hard to implement various upgrading programs to enhance the whole of Potong Pasir, bringing residents many benefits and more convenience.

Major repair and redecoration works were carried out at Potong Pasir including the latest precinct at Lorong 8 Toa Payoh. Covered walkways have been built in Toa Payoh, including the much talked about walkway that links Potong Pasir MRT to Block 147, in which Mr. Sitoh Yih-Pin did not renew the maintenance on the Solar Powered Lamps after he lost. The Town Council have replaced 22 Lifts for free just before the recent announcement of HDB’s Lift Upgrading Program.

In our Meet-The-People Sessions, volunteers at the MP’s Desk have worked hard within our means to meet the needs of the residents, and whenever necessary, we have referred residents to the CDC and Potong Pasir CCC for immediate financial assistance via the Comcare fund.

Our activities have been very well received by many residents. This year alone, our volunteers have organized trips to Medan, Batam, Malaysia and Xiamen China for hundreds of resident. Our annual Lantern festival event which was organized in a no frills, but yet very heartfelt celebration, have attracted close to 500 residents this year.

The Singapore People’s Party, which administers the Meet the people session and mobilizes the alternative grassroots volunteers, does have not have the unfair advantage of Mr Sitoh of tapping on the resources of the SouthEast CDC or the Potong Pasir Community Centre to organize social programmes to win the hearts of the voters.

Despite the odds, MR Chiam See Tong, with the support of loyal residents and supporters have done well the last 25 years. Potong Pasir Voters and volunteers for Opposition MP Chiam See Tong are the ones with real Guts and not PAP activists as mentioned in the report.

We will continue to work hard for the voters of Potong Pasir, and we believe we might have also won over some PAP loyalists in recent years with our humble and sincere desire to do well.

Wilfred Leung
MP’s Desk, Constituency of Potong Pasir
Councilor, Potong Pasir Town Council

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