JCI seeks volunteers for climate change event

JCI Singapore City1 is organizing this event to promote 60 ways of Active Citizenship in conjunction with the UN Worldwide Campaign on Climate Change.

We are appealing to you to be one of our volunteers for this campaign to help spread the message to the public.

We are conducting a simple questionnaire to raise the awareness of the concept of Active Citizenship and encourage people to pledge to the United Nations Seal the Deal Climate petition. This petition will be presented to the governments of the world in Copenhagen in December 2009. You can be part of the effort for Singapore. We aim to collect 1000 pledges for this campaign and JCI Singapore City will forward them to the UN led Seal the Deal campaign team.

Why Active Citizenship?

As global citizens, we all have rights and responsibilities. We have shared local, national and global interests. Active citizenship is the capacity we all have to work together towards our common goals. This spirit links you and me in the sense of social responsibility and the initiative to take action to benefit society.

Program Details

Date: 19 September 2009 (Saturday)

200pm       Assemble at JCI Secretariat

112 Middle Road, Midland House

#04-01, Singapore 188970

230pm       Briefing

300pm       Campaign Start

530pm       Volunteer appreciation

(Assemble back at JCI Secretariat)

600pm       End

ALL volunteers will be invited on the 26 September 2009 (Saturday) for a buffet dinner.

Interested parties, please register at http://www.naupliusdesigns.com/jcievent/

For more information please contact Jorim @ (M) 91478580 (E) [email protected]

JCI Singapore City is a non-profit organization (NPO) which is part of a global organization with an international perspective in business and community work which spans over 50 countries.


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