Bukit Merah Town Council’s negligence caused girl, 7, to fall through railings?

Excerpt from Today (9 March 2009):

At the time of the mishap, a picnic mat had been hung to air over the gap in the railing. Siti had been playing nearby. “I think she was crawling behind it, and then suddenly we saw the mat move and then we realised she had fallen,” said Mr Muhammad Azman, 24, a family friend.

Mr Muhammad and Siti’s uncle Muhammad Syukri had been sitting nearby at the landing, playing the guitar. “She knows not to play there,” said Mr Muhammad Syukri, 20, currently unemployed. “We always warn her not to run around too close.”

It was he who reportedly called the town council three months ago about the broken railing. He claimed he was told someone would be sent to check on it. “I didn’t hear from them, I don’t know if they came or not.”


Her family said the gap was reported in December to the Bukit Merah Town Council. But the latter last night said it could find no record of the call.

Read the full report here.


Bukit Merah Town Council is under Tangor Pagar GRC Constituency.


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