Thousands at community job fair

CNA news: Thousands turn up for Singapore’s largest community job fair

Mayor of North West District, Teo Ho Pin, said: “Over the last four months, we had seen an increase of about 40 to 50 per cent of residents coming to North West CDC for assistance.

“So we are indeed concerned that this would be a growing trend of people who are either retrenched or they have been laid off or made redundant.”



Senior vice-president and head of human resources and training, Resorts World at Sentosa, Seah-Khoo Ee Boon, said: “We are prepared to train them. So I guess it’s managing what they aspire to do, what we have for them, and then we train them. At the back of everything is still the change in mindsets.”


CNA news: More PMETs seeking help at e2i; teacher sets up site to help jobless

The number of jobless PMETs seeking help at the Employment and Employability Institute (E2i) has doubled since the start of this year.



Goh understands how it feels like to be unemployed. From the September 11th attacks till the SARs outbreak in 2003, he was jobless for 20 months after leaving his insurance job.

From that experience and knowing that the current recession will see even more retrenchments, he came up with this online counselling and support website especially for laid-off PMETs last month.


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