TOC takes to the streets on Saturday

The Online Citizen media team will take to the streets today, Saturday, 27 December, to talk to Singaporeans about the past one year and their wishes and hope for the new one.

The team will be at Orchard, Bugis and Clark Quay from 6pm onwards. If you see us, do come up and say hello and give us your views – on camera – on the best and worst of 2008 and your expectations of 2009.

The video will be posted here on TOC in a few days. Jingwei, Yi Na, Deborah and Vicki are our four interviewers with Mervin Lee as the cameraman. Do look out for us if you happen to be around the area.

Alternatively, you can post your wishes and hopes in the comments section here. We will take the best ones and put it up with the video as well.

2008 has been a trying year for many. Lets hope 2009 is better for everyone!

PS: Tan Kin Lian will be Speakers’ Corner today at 5pm for the last gathering of investors of structured products. He will be giving out a small souvenir to mark the occasion. Do come and give your support.

*There have been some comments which contain vulgarities. Please do not use vulgarities – either in local slang or in English. Comments which contain such vulgarities will not be allowed. Thanks.

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