Mas Selamat – We’ll get him one day, says PM Lee

From the Straits Times:

SINGAPORE does not know if fugitive terrorist Mas Selamat Kastari, the country’s most wanted man, is still in the country more than nine months after he escaped from detention, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday.

The leader of the Singapore Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militant group escaped on Feb 27 from a maximum-security detention centre. The incident badly dented Singapore‘s reputation for tight security.

‘We don’t know. He could be here, he could be overseas,’ Mr Lee told a lunch gathering of the Foreign Correspondents Association.

He said Singapore tried its best ‘to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere’ but added: ‘Short though our borders may be, they are difficult to watch all the time.’

Full report in the Straits Times.

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