Help get 100,000 signatures for Tan Kin Lian to run

If you wish to help to collect 100,000 signatures in support of Mr Tan Kin Lian running in the elections, please print out this form and help get 20 signatures. You can of course print out more and approach more people to sign. Please scan the completed form (with 20 signatures) and send to the e-mail address : [email protected] .

Sign the online petition here:

Support Tan Kin Lian

Here are four emails which were sent to Mr Tan regarding his running for elections:

Dear Mr. Tan,

like you, I find it ridiculous that retired laymen who trusted in our local institution that likened to our National Savings Bank being enticed with greed for higher interests in Lehman Brother’s scheme of things – all because Lehman Brothers is a much older institution of more than 150 years old.

Remember the 200-year old financial institution, Baring ING in Singapore ? The fall guy was Nick Leeson, an “O” level foreigner.

With the sub-prime, this time round, the fallen ones are the big guys also ! It’s an organised crime at the highest level with massive fraud globally starting from USA. Remember, DBS, OUB etc had to divest their interest in property development and insurance businesses which should not have been in the States and Canada ?



Dear Mr. Tan,

I used to believe in the PAP system. But not today. Reason is simple. I find it difficult to connect with the Govt pursuit of accumulating money (through various forms of taxes, tariff) at the expense of folks welfare and investing those money overseas as oppose to using it to lighten the burden of its citizens in such area as health care (and its insurance rather than us, retirees paying with medisave), social help, lower utilities etc.,

Left over budget from the various ministries or statutory boards should be channel back to the finance ministry as oppose to the each ministries/board investing in overseas funds etc.

Whilst I am not affected by the recent fiasco of Minibond, High Notes or Pinnancles, I make it a point to visit HongLim, to provide moral support to your effort and that of Andrew and his host of volunteers as well as the unfortunate folks who lost their hard earn saving.

Go, Mr. Tan, if you think that the Presidency is the right step for you. I wish you and your family well.



Dear Mr Tan

I am totally disgusted with the way politics are executed here. You don’t have to join the Opposition parties, to get elected. In fact, we need a whole team of you to effectively make a strong voice in parliament.

I agreed with what you have said. Our leaders have lost touch with the people on the ground. They have sung the same song, in the last 30 odds years, achievements which are encased in our history of national building.

But one cannot always sing to the tune of past achievements while covering up for present mistakes (and future ones too).

We, as Singaporeans have seen many of such policies that went unchallenged in Parliament. In this year alone, We have seen so many major incidents, escaped terrorist from detention, mini-bonds issues, foreign talents that took away jobs (which government claims, Singaporeans would not want to do), public transportation system jammed and packed and stretched to breaking point, Town Council wasting public funds, all these are 100% attributed directly or indirectly to certain government policies or statutory boards.

If the US can elect the 1st African-American Senator as President, Singaporeans can vote for an independent into Parliament too. Be daring and go forth. You have my support.

Sembawang, Singapore


Hello, Mr. Tan,

I believe this is not the 1st mail u would had got….I seriously admire and respect what you doing for the people. I believe we need more of you this kind of people.

For the elected president will be very very good if you can make it. But if it is next general election, may if I could suggest you could take up Potong Pasir, since Mr. Chiam is getting old now. Road will be tough if you took either way ….. but I am sure wil can make it.



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