PAP revamps website

Andrew Loh / Deputy Editor

The People’s Action Party has revamped its website.

The new site boasts of a changing masthead (similar to the one at the Workers’ Party website) and has podcasts and videos columns prominently displayed. The front page has a news crawler called “Newsflash” which provides the latest news by PAP members. Other sections include Highlight News, In Parliament, Straight Talk and On The Ground. (Straight Talk leads one to the old site.)

The website, which looks slick and easier to navigate compared to the old one, has more pictures and is more colourful than the dour, white theme of the previous site.

It is evident that the party is targeting the Internet generation with this revamp, especially with the videos and podcasts. The Government is expected to ease restrictions on these during future elections periods. Presently, the law disallows party political podcasts and party political films.

The revamp coincides with the PAP’s internal elections which will be held on Sunday. No major changes are expected to the party’s Central Executive Committee line-up. (Incidentally, the PAP’s CEC line-up is unavailable on the new site.)

Have a look at the newly revamped site here: .


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