Here are latest news reports of the results of the US Presidential Elections. We will update this page throughout the day. You can also view the up-to-the-minute results here at the New York Times website and CNN’s Election Tracker.

Electoral Votes Count (270 needed to win Electoral College vote):

Obama – 338

McCain –156

Breaking News: CNN – Republican John McCain concedes the US elections

International Herald Tribune – Racial barrier falls in historic elections

CNN – Barack Obama wins presidential elections

Reuters – Obama moves to brink of historic win

Reuters – Obama takes command with win in Ohio

International Herald Tribune – Key eastern states called for Obama

CNN – McCain takes West Virginia and Georgia

Reuters – Obama defeats McCain in Pennsylvania

CNN – CNN projects Pennsylvania win for Obama.

BBC – Obama wins battleground state

International Herald Tribune – Obama wins early vote in New Hampshire

Reuters – Obama and McCain split an early pair of states

Obama wins Pennsylvania:

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