TOC Weekend Reads

TOC is featuring interesting articles about Singapore and elsewhere in the world on weekends. If you should come across any such articles which you want to share with our readers, do email them to us (with url links) to: [email protected] .

Singapore Rolls Out the Red Carpet for a Star-Studded Event – Prwe

Christmas is definitely coming early to Singapore and its a star-studded cast, from Brendan Fraser and Christopher Lloyd to the leading names from behind the spotlights, Jeffrey Katzenberg (CEO, Dreamworks Animation), Jon Landau (Academy Award Winning Producer), Jim Gianopulos (Chairman, 20th Century Fox), Dan Glickman (President, Motion Picture Association of America) and Mark Zoradi (President, Walt Disney Motion Pictures). Making a powerful statement about the future trend and impact of 3D technology and applications, they are all coming to Singapore for the 3DX Film and Entertainment Technology Festival being held from November 19 – 23 2008.

Israel teen ‘gunman’ wanted an A+ – BBC

An Israeli teenager has been arrested after he donned a mask and prowled the streets of his town with a big rucksack and toy gun for a school project. The boy, 15, was seized by police in the southern town of Ashdod suspecting he was a Palestinian militant. The student was quoted as saying he was researching police reactions in the town and “just wanted to get an A+”.

Airports expanding worldwide at a bad time – ASAP

Airports in countries across the globe have initiated expansion projects over the past decade that have included constructing new runways and terminals geared toward handling increased passenger and freight traffic that seemed destined to continue growing.

Many of the development projects have been completed, or are nearing completion, and industry experts are saying that the timing couldn’t be worse.

Expat life in Singapore: Gallery gazingThe Telegraph


I’ve just spent a happy afternoon moseying around ARTSingapore, an annual fair for contemporary Asian art…. Artists from all over the region were represented: Taiwan, Korea, India, China, Thailand, the Philippines, you name it… If ARTSingapore is anything to go by, the art world is extremely welcoming.

Suspicious Letters Sent to 45 Banks This Week – The New York Times

More than 45 letters containing suspicious white powder have been sent to banks and federal banking regulators in 11 states since Monday, prompting inquiries from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Which class is John Prescott? – BBC

John Prescott has been obsessed with class his whole life. His meteoric rise from working class lad and 11-plus failure to deputy prime minister means his is an extraordinary journey through the British class system.

Should the state make us happy? – BBC

Is it government’s job to make us feel happy? Today a ground-breaking independent report published by the Government Office for Science answers with a clear ‘yes’: “Government polices and choices need…to nurture the mental capital and wellbeing in the wider population, so that everyone can flourish throughout their lives.”

Special thanks to Adrian Tan.


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