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Government responsibility: What will PM Lee say?



Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is scheduled to make a ministerial statement in Parliament tomorrow about “government responsibility” with regards to Mas Selamat Kastari’s escape from detention.

PM Lee had taken 11 days after the escape to make his first comments on the matter in March.

Below is a brief recap of what the PM, DPM and MM have said so far.

What will the prime minister say tomorrow in Parliament?

February 28

DPM Wong Kan Seng

“This should have never have happened. I am sorry that it has.” (Link)

March 9

PM Lee:

“This was a lapse, what to do, it’s happened.” (Link)

April 5

MM Lee:

“Complacency sets in when a people have not suffered any shock or setback for a long time, as in Singapore without jihadist terror attacks, although we have ceaselessly talked about it and prepared out (sic) defence.”

“Most people believe that bad things will happen to others, not to themselves.” (Link)


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