Outdoor demonstration planned outside St Andrew’s Cathedral

By Andrew Loh

On the blog titled Enshrine 377A, the blogger, whose identity is unknown to us, calls for the public to participate in a “Walk For Jesus Action” in support of retaining section 377A of the Penal Code which criminalizes sex between two same-sex men.

On the blog, the writer says that, “It is time to claim on God’s promise to keep our country from the harm of having 377A repealed and from the pain of our children being corrupted. It is time to take action and witness for Jesus!”

He calls for the public to participate in a “prayer walk” which he terms “Walk For Jesus”. According to him, the walk would begin around “St Andrew’s Cathedral” and proceed along “Singapore River… SMU… and Parliament House and pray for the members of Parliament.”

Participants are also urged to “wear white” – “the colour of saints”- “so that we can identify each other” and to “synchronise” the start of their walk at “12.30pm” this Sunday, 21st October 2007, the blog post says.

Giving advice on what to do if approached by the police, he says, “If anyone tries to disband you, stay for a while, say a prayer and then move on peaceably. If the police asks for your cooperation, move into the Sanctuary of Saint Andrew’s Cathedral and continue praying.”

“Tell your friends about this prayer walk. Refer them to this site”, he urged.

TOC understands that the event is very unlikely to have been organized or sanctioned by the church leadership. The St Andrew’s Cathdral website makes no mention of any such event either.

TOC is also unsure if the writer or organizer/s (if indeed there are such organizers) have a police permit for the walk which is required for such outdoor public events.


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