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Handover of ownership of theonlinecitizen



By Andrew Loh

After a long period of discussion with and feedback from friends, supporters and members of theonlinecitizen (TOC), I have decided to hand over the ownership of this blogsite to my co-editor, Choo Zheng Xi.

This is to address the concerns which some have feedbacked to us – namely, that my being a member of The Workers’ Party gives the impression that TOC is a Workers’ Party blog or that it is a WP vehicle.

It was never so and never intended to be so. The Workers’ Party has never been involved in this blog and TOC has never been used by the WP to propagate its agenda.

Theonlinecitizen was an initiative by ordinary Singaporeans to engage in and discuss issues which we feel passionate about.

Nonetheless, we – the editors of TOC – feel that it would be good to make certain that TOC is not seen as or give the impression that it is a vehicle of any political party.

Thus, I have decided to hand over the reins to Zheng Xi – and take up the role of co-editor.

This will take immediate effect.

Zheng Xi, as the new owner, will have the final say in matters pertaining to theonlinecitizen from today onwards – 28 July, 2007.

I have no doubt that theonlinecitizen is in good hands.

My thanks to everyone who has given advice and feedback the last few weeks and months.

And also many thanks to all our readers, visitors, supporters and fellow bloggers. Please do continue to give Zheng Xi and the team at theonlinecitizen your support, as you’ve done these past 8 months or so.

Andrew Loh

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