Pssst! Have you heard….?

Word on the street is that one senior cabinet minister is rumored to be leaving his post. 

Some forum participants on the internet describe him as a compassionate person and a man of high morals. 

He is also known as a thinker. In the past, he had often delivered in-depth and thought-provoking speeches and analyses of Singapore society and world events, some of which were published in full in the mainstream media.  Of late, however, such discourses and publications seem to have ebbed somewhat.

His rumored departure, if true, will probably be one of the moves in the government’s cabinet reshuffle that we can expect with the forthcoming post-National Day cabinet changes.

If you know more and have some confirmation, TOC would love to hear it and carry it. 

For now, however, this is just a rumour and TOC has not and is not able to confirm any of it.

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