Latest “terrorist” detentions: Some questions

This is an extract from Gerald Giam’s blog.

On June 9, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) made a shock announcement that it had detained a young lawyer, Abdul Basheer s/o Abdul Karim, and 4 alleged Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operatives under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in February. Information from the press release is scant, and raises many questions.

Which Middle East country was Abdul Basheer arrested in?

Why was there no effort by the Government and the media to point out that he is not Malay?

So why the rush to arrest him without any evidence of criminal wrongdoing?

Is this really what can turn an intelligent, educated Singaporean into a terrorist?

To read the full posting, please visit Gerald’s blog at Singapore Patriot.

Read also the Straits Times report: ‘Self-radicalised’ law grad, 4 JI militants held

The International Herald Tribune: Singapore detains suspected jihadist, 4 alleged terror group members

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