Thai reformist leader Pita Limjaroenrat's bid for prime minister was blocked by the military and pro-royalist establishment. Despite his party's popularity, Pita faced disqualification due to...
Thailand's reformist Pita Limjaroenrat faces suspension amid his bid for prime minister after winning an election with a promise of change, facing opposition from the conservative...
Thailand's constitutional court suspends reformist Pita Limjaroenrat, obstructing his bid for prime minister after a significant election victory. The court will decide if he should be...
As Thailand prepares for its second Prime Minister vote, the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) call for urgent reforms to the Thai constitution. APHR's Charles...
Thailand's strict royal defamation laws hinder reformist party's government formation, facing opposition from military-appointed senators.
Reformist Pita Limjaroenrat seeks endorsement as Thailand's prime minister, facing opposition from military-appointed senators and potential disqualification, while a compromise candidate and political unrest loom as...
Thailand's liberal reformist leader seeks support for his second attempt at becoming prime minister after facing opposition from military-appointed senators in his initial bid.
Thailand's parliament will hold a second vote for the new prime minister on 19 July after pro-royalist lawmakers blocked frontrunner Pita Limjaroenrat's bid.
Thailand's parliament rejected reformist Pita Limjaroenrat's bid for prime minister despite his party's popular vote win. Pita vows to continue strategizing for a second round. The...
Thailand's parliament convened for a prime ministerial vote, but frontrunner Pita Limjaroenrat faced obstacles hindering his path to power. This vote is a culmination of two...