AWARE launches chat service to better support survivors of abuse and violence

After receiving record-breaking numbers of calls since the outbreak of COVID-19, gender-equality…

Survey: 1 in 3 young people have faced sexual violence; few seek or receive help

A new survey indicates that sexual violence – from verbal and cyber-harassment…

AWARE: Rethinking fundamental approaches to budget making

This is AWARE’s official press release for its recommendations regarding the upcoming…

AWARE Op-Ed on decriminalisation of suicide

Suicide law deters treatment, not attempts Corinna Lim, Executive Director, AWARE Porsche…

Look out for people “who are pushing too far”

We must look out for indications, of people who are pushing too…

Aware coverage – Straits Times defends itself

If Mr Sin is accusing The Straits Times of being in favour…

“It was an internal document,” says Education Minister, on Aware’s instructor’s guide

It was an internal document…internal documents are internal documents. If you don’t…

Siew Kum Hong makes police report against “vile, vicious and malicious” attacks

“I consider them extremely defamatory and criminal in nature,” he says.

TOC Editorial: Keep Kum Hong

His record speaks for itself. TOC Editorial.

Facebook Group Supports Siew Kum Hong as NMP

Facebook group set up by supporters sees hundreds sign up as members within hours.