曾因“做爱只需小空间”论遭挞伐 杨莉明如今认为“不该那么说”

2013年,政府推出“育儿优先配屋计划”,要求首次申请购屋者,必须已怀孕,或至少有一名16岁以下的新加坡籍孩子。 回溯2016年10月,时任总理公署高级政务部长杨莉明,接受《海峡时报》采访,针对有国人认为,必须先有房子才能生孩子,杨莉明一语惊人,作出奇葩回应:“做爱只需要很小的空间”(You need a very small space to have sex)。 当时,她指出,新加坡人的感情观与西方有别,在这里是男女相恋、男的求婚后,双方就计划结婚和准备买房子;但欧美国家可能是相恋后当晚“就造人”。 倘若一对夫妇表明计划两年内生育,但他们希望先拿到房子?…

Dr Vivian says Singapore a "natural partner" to India despite investment fiasco at Amaravati

At the India-Singapore Business and Innovation Summit held in Mariner Bay Sands…

Economist Yeoh Lam Keong explains the problem of poverty in Singapore in inaugural Progress Singapore Party talk

On 10 September, the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) held its inaugural PSP…

Economist Yeoh Lam Keong proposed reforms to address poverty in Singapore: Increase WIS & SSS and introduce comprehensive national unemployment protection

During the inaugural Progress Singapore Party Talk held by Progress Party Singapore…

Is NS Square needed or is it a vanity project?

I have no issue with large scale building projects that the Government…

Progress Singapore Party's inaugural PSP Talk: Poverty in Singapore and policy gaps in the social safety net

On 10 September, the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) held its inaugural PSP…

Elections Department opens tender for 150 polling booths

Following the sudden announcement of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) formation…

招兵买马收保护费 二私会党首领将面控

疑似招兵买马,并向他人收取保付费,两名私会党的首领将于明日在法庭面控。 这两名分别21岁和28岁的私会党首领,是在社团法令下,于去年5月在勿洛水池一带被逮捕。 警方同时也逮捕了三名年龄介于17至28岁的男子,并在进一步调查后逮捕了另外15名男子。 之后被逮捕的男子也非常年轻,年龄介于16至22岁之间。 两名首领12日将被指控招兵买马,并且向他人收取保护费,而其余被逮捕的18人仍然接受调查。

Yale-NUS College student is all praise for renowned Singapore historian Dr Hong Lysa for her years of “invaluable contributions” in Singapore’s past

On Tuesday (10 September), NUS-Yale sophomore Faris Joraimi took to his Facebook…


日前,两名国人在义顺组屋内被查获种植大麻,今日其中一名嫌犯被控有关罪行。 44岁的雅塔木(译名,Artamu Ibrahim)被指在义顺街31号336A组屋内,7月至9月9日期间种植两株大麻。 据《滥用药物法》(Misuse of Drugs Act),大麻被列为是A等级的受管制药物之一。一旦被查获种植大麻,恐将面临最低3年最高20年监禁或重罚5000至4万新元,或两者兼施。 另名被查获种植大麻的女嫌犯仍未被起诉。 据悉,移民与关卡局先在寄往本地的包裹中侦测到疑似用于吸毒的玻璃器皿,便通报中央萧毒局前往检定,随后萧毒局官员发现除了玻璃器皿外,还有一个临时温室,两株大麻以及其关于如何种植大麻的指示。 两名嫌犯均于周一被查获,而其中一名嫌犯雅塔木已被还押,并将于9月18日返回法庭。