In his eulogy, Lee Hsien Yang fondly remembered his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, as a brilliant doctor and devoted daughter who cared deeply for their...
Dr Lee Wei Ling’s funeral was conducted on 12 October 2024, in Singapore, with family members leading the procession in the rain. In a heartfelt eulogy,...
In a heartfelt eulogy for his sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling, Mr Lee Hsien Yang shared fond memories of her impetuous and outspoken nature, as well...
A 38-year-old Bangladeshi worker died at a construction site in Singapore's Balestier area on 11 October. He was struck by a precast concrete drain being lifted...
US President Joe Biden called on Israel to stop firing at UN peacekeepers during its conflict with Hezbollah, following two incidents within 48 hours that left...