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Singapore Police Force tenders to expand camera network from 90,000 to over 200,000 islandwide

Singapore Police Force aims to expand its camera network to over 200,000 units islandwide through a new tender.



SINGAPORE – The Singapore Police Force (SPF) announced a new tender this Monday (Oct 30) with an ambitious plan to double its surveillance coverage using police cameras throughout the nation. This expansion is partially to provide coverage to the new housing and infrastructure developments that have emerged since the introduction of these cameras in 2012.

Ever since their introduction in 2012, more than 90,000 cameras have been methodically installed in key public locations, including housing estates, neighbourhood centres, and car parks.

The Police’s camera system, termed PolCam 2.0, received significant financial backing in 2019. The project was greenlit with a budget of $45 million, inclusive of maintenance expenditures.

The present tender aims to refurbish these existing cameras and, by the mid-2030s, increase the number to over 200,000 cameras distributed islandwide. This upscaling ambition, initially unveiled in 2021, received further details from SPF this week, revealing the future placement strategy to include high-footfall zones like commercial hubs, entertainment venues, and recreational areas.

Reiterating the commitment to safeguarding citizen privacy, an SPF spokesperson confirmed the cameras’ placement in public zones exclusively. With stringent data retention and access guidelines, recorded footage is guaranteed deletion after 31 days, except when earmarked for investigative purposes. The SPF remains vigilant against unauthorized access, with violators facing severe consequences.

Addressing rising concerns regarding privacy implications, Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam shed light on the broader picture during his parliamentary address in 2021. He emphasized that while privacy is essential, it should not eclipse the broader communal desire for safety. “Conceptually, cameras in public domains resonate with the idea of police interviewing eyewitnesses. A camera serves as a continuous, ever-alert observer, offering unambiguous, black-and-white evidence,” Shanmugam elucidated.

The technological prowess of these police cameras is also evolving. Though their specific features vary based on operational necessities, common traits encompass 360-degree panoramic views, high-definition recordings, and adaptability to diverse lighting scenarios.

A 2021 public survey revealed that an overwhelming 91% of participants supported the use of police cameras in public spheres, underlining their significant role in fostering a sense of security and safety amongst Singaporeans.

According to the police, these surveillance tools have become invaluable assets, assisting officers in resolving approximately 7,500 cases since 2012. However, during this period, over 300,000 crime reports have been made.

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