Despite new regulations hindering operations, The Online Citizen Asia (TOC) views this as a chance to return to its roots, launching Gutzy Asia for Greater Asian...
In a recent podcast interview with CNA, DBS CEO Piyush Gupta dismissed the concept of work-life balance as "baloney." Some defend his perspective, while others question...
Singapore is set to host the globally acclaimed 'The Business Show' Singapore 2023, a dynamic two-day event that fosters business innovation, adaptation, and networking. Featuring over...
Tan Kin Lian, former CEO of NTUC Income and Presidential candidate, recounts his journey from a modest upbringing to steering a cooperative society insurance firm to...
Japanese court sentences man dressed as the Joker to 23 years in jail for attempted murder and train fire attack in Tokyo on Halloween 2021. Violent...
Lee Hsien Yang said in a Facebook post on Monday that Ministers Shamugam and Vivian Balakrishnan are demanding that he lie in a public apology.
Lee Hsien Yang (LHY), brother of Singapore's PM, accuses Ministers K Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan of pressuring him to issue a false apology over corruption allegations....
Ganjar Pranowo, a potential presidential candidate from PDI-P, expressed hope for Golkar Party's support in the 2024 Presidential Election. After a meeting between party leaders, they...
The Indonesian National Police's Cyber Crime Directorate (Bareskrim Polri) successfully dismantled an illegal IMEI mafia network in the Centralized Equipment Identity Register (CEIR). Six suspects, including...
Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the Mayor of Solo and son of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, reveals President Jokowi’s backing for a specific candidate in the 2024 Presidential...