Following the tragic death of Sergeant Uvaraja Gopal, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) informed the media on Monday (24 July) that the officer's 2015 racial discrimination...
In a deeply moving and courageous account, former officer Fauzella Sahabdin reveals her experiences within the Singapore Police Force (SPF), highlighting an environment of degradation and...
The Elections Department (ELD) announced improvements for the upcoming presidential election, including more polling stations, a new voting stamp, and easier access to queue status. These...
Motivated by the tragic suicide of Sergeant Uvaraja S/0 Gopal on 21 July, a self-professed ex-officer reveals systemic flaws within the Singapore Police Force's employee grievance...
Discover Bandung's new gem - Orchid Forest Cikole, Lembang. Amidst its countless attractions, Golden Pine Cafe stands out, captivating visitors with a European charm. Adorned with...
Discover the enchanting wonders of Wisata Anugerah Indah Sippan in Indonesia's North Sumatra. Nestled amidst lush vegetation, this serene haven offers captivating views of Lake Toba,...
Indonesian politicians from PDI-P meet Gerindra's Prabowo, raising eyebrows. PDIP summons Budiman Sudjatmiko for clarification amid discussions about party discipline. Unexpected alliances emerge ahead of the...
Vice Chairman of NasDem Party criticizes Anies Baswedan's criteria for VP candidate, urging prompt announcement and preference for NU figure.
=DREAMS, a local charity initiative, offers a solution for underprivileged children living in rental flats to overcome studying challenges. With a focus on academic support and...
Half of Malaysians worry about AI's impact, as 81% believe it will change or replace their jobs. Ipsos' survey highlights concerns about job transformation, with 55%...