Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced that he tested positive for COVID-19 again, attributing the occurrence to a “post COVID rebound”.

Prime Minister Lee disclosed his health status via a Facebook post on Thursday (1 Jun). “I feel fine but I am afraid I have turned COVID-19 positive again,” Mr Lee wrote.

He went on to explain that “my doctors say it is a post COVID rebound, which happens in 5 to 10 per cent of cases.”

Despite the positive test, Mr Lee reassured the public that while he remains infectious, the risk of transmission is lower than with the initial infection.

Following his doctor’s advice, the Prime Minister has elected to self-isolate until his Antigen Rapid Test (ART) returns negative.

Mr Lee had planned to attend the consecration ceremony of Sri Thendayuthapani Temple on Thursday morning. However, he has chosen to prioritize public safety and thus, regrettably, will miss the event.

“My apologies to the organisers, and to all those attending the ceremony. I wish everyone a very successful consecration and celebration!” Mr Lee wrote in his post.

This recent infection follows an earlier case of COVID-19 for Mr Lee, who first tested positive on 22 May, subsequent to his visits to South Africa and Kenya. By 28 May, he had announced his recovery and expressed gratitude for the well wishes he had received.

At the age of 71, Mr Lee’s doctors prescribed him Paxlovid, an antiviral medication. He had also received his most recent Covid-19 vaccine booster in November.

There are growing speculations about the timing of the next General Election and the succession of Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who has been named by Mr Lee as his successor.

Despite this, the Prime Minister has not yet specified when he will officially step down, leaving many to watch eagerly for when Mr Wong will assume his new role.

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