Singaporean influencer and comedian Preeti Nair, famously known as Preetipls, highlighted how a derogatory term for Indian men is still being thrown around in 2021.

In a comments section of what appears to be an Instagram post, Preetipls was tagged by someone to bring attention to another user who used the term “abuneneh” and referred to Indian people as “black” and “scary”.

The commenter appears to be referring to the recent news about YouTuber and radio deejay Dee Kosh who was charged with multiple sex-related offences.

Sharing a screenshot of the comment on her Twitter on Sunday (22 Aug), Preetipls said: “not me getting tagged in d**k*sh’s post in hopes to address this racist comment made by someone who still says APNN in 2021 and refers to Indians as “black”…last I checked I left secondary school literally a decade ago……”

The offensive term is sometimes used by non-Indian and often fair-skinned parents to scare their children, painting Indian people as a sort of boogeyman to inspire discipline.

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