Source: The Istana’s website

The Istana open house event on 1 August will be postponed to a later date as pandemic measures in Singapore are to be tightened amid a spike in COVID-19 cases.

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTF) announced on Tuesday (20 July) that it will roll back the country’s control measures to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert), which will take effect from Thursday (22 July) to 18 August.

“We apologise for any inconveniences caused,” said the President’s Office in a statement on Wednesday (21 July).

Earlier on 13 July, it was announced that the Istana would open on 1 August to celebrate National Day – the first time it would have opened its doors to the public in about 18 months.

Those who had tickets for the previous scheduled open house on 13 May – in celebration of Hari Raya Puasa and Labour Day – were invited to return next month.

The event back then had also been cancelled due to an increase in COVID-19 cases.

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