Source: Malvin Fang / Facebook

A man was caught on video wakeboarding at the War Memorial Park pond in Singapore earlier on Saturday night (17 July).

Footage of the scene was uploaded by Facebook user Malvin Fang on the night of the incident.

“Saw this Ang Moh doing some surfboarding thing at the War Memorial Park multiple times as if it was his own private pool wtf….” Fang wrote in the caption.

“I made a police report via SPF E-services already so will see what happens,” he added.

Speaking to Mothership, Fang said that the incident took place at around 10pm, and the man in the video was accompanied by another woman.

He added that in the span of 20 minutes, the man attempted to surf in the pond four times.

Fang also said that there were other people who were sitting around the area and had witnessed the incident, but none of them said a word or lifted a finger.

The police have confirmed with Mothership that a police report was made, adding that they are “looking into the matter”.

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