The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) invites the people in Singapore to take part in a survey to hear their thoughts and concerns on how to rebalance the labour situation in the country.

Announcing about this survey on its Facebook page on Wednesday (23 Jun), the alternative party stated that it wants to hear from the people on their ideas on this matter in order to “rebalance Singapore’s labour situation to benefit all parties”.

“The #PSPJobsDebate is about your future. We want to hear your thoughts, concerns and ideas on how to rebalance Singapore’s labour situation to benefit all parties.

“We invite you to fill up this survey to share your ideas with us for a more compassionate Singapore. Let’s work together to create the change we want to see,” said the party.

For those who are interested to participate in this survey, you may do so by clicking here.

In the post, PSP explained that foreign manpower is an important and necessary part of the “labour force of all open economies” as they are required to complement the local workforce in terms of quality and quantity.

Given that Singapore is an open economy, it will always have this need, the party noted.

However, the challenge here is to maintain a “healthy balance in our workforce in which our local core has opportunities to develop while tapping on foreign manpower to fill up gaps in skills, experience, and market networks that we lack”, it asserted.

On Tuesday (22 Jun), Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Leong Mun Wai said that PSP has accepted the challenge to debate on foreign employment policies and the Singapore-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) in Parliament at its sitting in July.

Earlier in May, Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam challenged Mr Leong to file a motion to debate the CECA in Parliament, to which he responded that PSP is interested in taking up the issue of CECA at “some point in time”.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Mr Leong said that the PSP has accepted the challenge to have “a thorough debate” on Singapore’s employment policies and the CECA, in the spirit of “protecting our domestic economy and our people”.

“We are confident that Singaporeans will benefit from the disclosure of more information from the Government during the parliamentary debate and call on the Government to engage in the debate with grace, openness, transparency and trust that we all have Singapore’s interests at heart.

“Hence we are pleased to share that we will be seeking further information from the Government at the Parliamentary sitting in July in preparation for the coming debate.

“Subsequently, the PSP will decide on a suitable time to file a motion. It will be then up to the Speaker’s discretion to confirm the date of the debate,” he wrote.

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