A 40 year-old man has been arrested by the police on Sunday (23 May) for public nuisance, and will be investigated for voluntarily causing hurt.

In a viral video that was shared on Facebook and other messaging platforms, a man was shown being beaten by another man to the ground in a train carriage.

This incident is said to have happened on Sunday morning (23 May).

The police said the assailant had been in an escalated dispute with the 24-year-old victim.

The police were alerted to a case of assault in the vicinity of Little India MRT station at about 10.15am.

But when officers arrived, the people involved were no longer at the scene.

In the video, the train carriage appears relatively empty and passengers can be seen viewing towards the direction of the assault. A female passenger sitting near the incident moved away as the beating continued.

According to the train’s announcement, the train was nearly Rochor station, along the Downtown Line when the filming took place.


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