(Photo from HCI Facebook page)

The High Commission of India (HCI) in Singapore put up a post on its Facebook page on 23 Mar, paying a “small tribute” to the “founding Father of Singapore”, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

“On this day we remember his words about India at the 37th Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture on 21st Nov 2005 in New Delhi,” HCI wrote.

HCI then quoted what Mr Lee said in India back in 2005:

“India is an intrinsic part of this unfolding new world order. India can no longer be dismissed as a ‘wounded civilisation’, in the hurtful phrase of a westernised non resident Indian author (V.S. Naipal). Instead, the western media, market analysts, and the International Financial Institutions now show-case India as a success story and the next big opportunity.”

After quoting Mr Lee, HCI added, “A small tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the founding Father of Singapore.”

Mr Lee Kuan Yew is the founding PM of Singapore

In Singapore, Mr Lee is referred to as the founding Prime Minister of Singapore and not the “founding Father of Singapore”.

For example, when Mr Lee passed away, the PMO issued a statement referring Mr Lee as the founding Prime Minister of Singapore.

The founding of the Republic of Singapore is not attributed to one man but to several others like: Dr Goh Keng Swee, Mr S Rajaratnam, Dr Toh Chin Chye, Mr Lim Kim San, Mr Hon Sui Sen, etc. In fact, the construction of a memorial for these Singapore’s founding fathers has already been planned.

Mr Lee passed away on 23 Mar 2015 at the Singapore General Hospital.



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