Malaysia cargo drivers who have received their two doses of COVID-19 vaccine in Singapore will receive an immunisation certificate. They will also be exempted from having to do daily on-arrival tests 14 days after the second dose, said the Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) on Thursday (18 March).

Channel NewsAsia reported the MTI as saying, “Cargo drivers and accompanying personnel who have taken both doses of the vaccine in Singapore will receive an SMS acknowledgement that they have completed the vaccination process, as well as an immunisation certificate.”

“They will be exempted from daily on-arrival tests 14 days after the second dose. However, they may continue to be subjected to testing at Singapore’s land checkpoints from time to time.”

The ministry added that cargo drivers have not been vaccinated will still be able to enter Singapore, however they will have to adhere to prevailing border health measures such as on-arrival testing.

On top of that, MTI added that all cargo drivers and accompanying personnel entering Singapore, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not, are required to adhere to existing safe management measures as they carry out their work.

This includes temperature checks and SafeEntry scans at delivery sites ad maintaining safe distancing at all times even during unloading and delivery of cargo.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) had revealed earlier this month that the Singapore government would offer COVID-19 vaccinations to selected cargo drivers and accompanying personnel entering from Malaysia regularly. These drivers will be eligible for the vaccine based on their frequency of travel.

MOH also noted that the vaccination will be voluntary and the cost of which will be borne by the Singapore Government.

The response of Malaysia cargo drivers who deliver essentials such as fresh produce welcome the move and hoped that waiting points at border checkpoints could be shortened, given the exemption.

Earlier this year, several drivers voiced complaints over delays at land entry cehckpoints following the roll out of COVID-19 antigen rapid testing for cargo drivers from Malaysia delivering essential goods.


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