Myanmar anti-coup protesters return after deadliest day

Defiant anti-coup protesters returned to cities and towns across Myanmar on Thursday…

DJ Jade Rasif felt “burnt out” in local school system, hopes for smaller class sizes; netizens raise cost concerns

Member of Parliament (MP) for Sengkang Group Representative Constituency (GRC), Jamus Lim…

Graduates quietly dissociate themselves with university caught with 36,000 fake degrees

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post (SCMP) published a news article yesterday…

举印有笑脸纸张遭警传召问话 网友呼吁声援黄国光

为在阻断措施期间展示对本地小贩的支持,行动党义顺集选区议员黄国光在去年6月手拿一张写着“支持他们”(Support Them)和画有笑脸的A4纸张,与小贩合照。 然而,他的行为却被质疑可能抵触《公共秩序法》,属于无准证在共公共场所集会。警方也证实已传召黄国光问话协助调查。 一方有难,八方来援,只因为举着印有笑脸的纸张,就可能触法,一些网友也非议此事“荒唐”,也直言究竟黄国光拿着一张纸,如何“危害公共秩序”? “他只不过要表达在艰难时期对小贩的支持,看不出这有什么问题。” 也有网友Joshua Chiang表示:“与黄国光同在”,呼吁他人也一起透过小小举动,拿起支持黄国光的标语牌,声援后者。 对此事,黄国光也在个人脸书澄清,去年6月仍是阻断措施,自己到小贩中心走访,也举起标语牌与小贩合照。他也指更早前在去年1月,自己在一段短片中举起标语牌,为首个气候暖化动议作宣传,不过气候暖化的字样是在较后用特效加上去的。 [ Supporting our hawkers…

UN says 38 dead in Myanmar’s ‘bloodiest’ day since coup

At least 38 people died Wednesday in the “bloodiest” day of Myanmar’s…

Parliamentary questions for 4 March 2021

The Singapore Parliament will sit at 10:00 am on Thursday, 4 March…

New York governor refuses to quit over sexual harassment scandal

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday he would not resign over…

SpaceX rocket explodes on ground after seemingly successful flight

An unmanned SpaceX rocket exploded on the ground Wednesday after carrying out…