Source: Anadolu Agency

Singaporeans currently in Myanmar are urged to leave the country as soon as possible in the wake of the rapidly escalating clashes between protesters and the Myanmar security forces, as well as the increasing number of civilian casualties, said the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on Thursday (4 Mar).

Singaporeans who choose to remain in Myanmar are strongly advised to remain indoors as far as possible and avoid unnecessary travel, in particular to areas where protests are occurring, said MFA.

The Ministry added that Singaporeans should remain vigilant and monitor local news closely.

They should take necessary precautions for their personal safety, and eRegister immediately here.

“This will enable the Ministry and our Embassy in Yangon to continue to be in touch with them and render the necessary consular assistance in case of emergencies,” said MFA.

Those who are in need of consular assistance while in Myanmar should contact the Singapore Embassy in Yangon or the 24-hour MFA Duty Office at:

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Yangon

238 Dhamazedi Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Tel: +95-1-9-559-001

Emergency Tel (after hours): +95-9-250-863-840

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24-hours)

Tel: 6379 8800, 6379 8855

Fax: 6476 7302

In its statement today, MFA also advised Singaporeans who intend to travel to Myanmar at this time to defer their plans.

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