As part of the new Household Support Package, all eligible citizens will receive an additional S$200 GST voucher on top of their standard GST voucher payment.

This will be a one-off payment, termed the ‘GST Voucher-Cash Special Payment‘, specifically for lower- and middle-income households which will benefit 1.4 million Singaporeans.

The voucher will be paid out in June 2021.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Sweet Keat as he presented the year’s budget – named the ‘Emerging Stronger Together Budget‘ – in Parliament on Tuesday (16 Feb).

The S$900 million Household Support Package also includes a GST Voucher U Save Special Payment which will give eligible Housing and Development Board (HDB) households utilities rebates ranging from S$120 to $200 this year in April and July.

This amounts to an additional 50 per cent of HDB households’ U Save rebates for one year.

On top of that, the Service and Conservancy Charges Rebate has been extended for another year, benefitting about 950,000 households in the country. According to Mr Heng, the rebate will offset approximately 1.5 to 3.5 months of service and conservancy charges.

The rebates will be given out in April, July, and October this year, and in January 2022.

Mr Heng also announced that Singaporean families with children below 21 years old will receive an additional S$200 top up into their Child Development Account, Edusave Account, or Post-Secondary Education Account on top of the annual Edusave top-ups for primary and secondary school students.

He noted that this is to support parents in their endeavour to “invest in their children’s future”.

Additionally, the Household Support Package also includes a S$100 Community Development Council (CDC) voucher each for 1.3 million households in the country, which can be used at participating shops and hawker centres to support local businesses.

“I hope that this new tranche of vouchers can bring more businesses to our hawkers and heartland shops,” said Mr Heng, adding that the Government is providing an additional S$150 million in grants to the CDC for this purpose.

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