The Singapore Parliament will sit at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, 16 February 2021, for the 18th session of the 14th Parliament. *59 oral questions and 27...
Myanmar’s deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi will appear in court via video conference this week over charges brought against her by the new military junta,...
2017年6月,社运份子范国瀚为纪念光谱行动(Spectrum)30周年,与另八人在地铁上举行无声抗议。 他为此被当局指控抵触《公共秩序法》第16(1)项,以及其余两项控状:涉嫌抵触《破坏公物法》(Vandalism Act),以及在同年6月19日,因拒绝签署警方口供,被指抵触刑事法典第180项。 范国瀚在今日(15日)在国家法院为上述三项控状认罪,并遭判处合共8千元的罚款,或监禁32天。 第一项控状他面对4千500元罚款或监禁18日,第二项则罚款1千元或监禁四日;第三项罚款2千500元,或监禁10日。 范国瀚相信将对首两项控状,接受监禁惩处,第三项控状则缴交罚款。目前他仍有其余两项控状待当局考量。 他在2017年6月3日,除了在地铁车厢无声抗议,也在车厢屏窗上张贴两张写着“马克思主义阴谋?”,以及“为光谱行动生还者讨回公道”的纸张。 光谱行动为1987年5月21日一场秘密行动的代号,当时16人被指涉嫌参与推翻人民行动党政府阴谋,在未经审判下,以内安法令被逮捕。另外6人则在行动最后阶段被捕。
As of Monday noon (15 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional nine cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...
If it was not Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who had mentioned gazetting 38 Oxley Road as a heritage site to the late Lee Kuan Yew,...
by Joe Jackson in London and AFP bureaus Britain’s coronavirus vaccination program has covered all its main target groups of vulnerable people, it said Sunday, hours...
Several thousand people demonstrated Sunday in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, saying the government was trying to establish a new dictatorship and denouncing international support for President...
Myanmar’s junta cut the nation’s internet and deployed extra troops around the country on Monday as fears built of a widespread crackdown on anti-coup protests, but...