Myanmar anti-coup protesters defy junta warnings

Anti-coup protesters defied warnings from Myanmar’s generals and rallied Tuesday for a…

Barely any compensation for spinal injury of NS serviceman during ICT; No avenue for redress due to Section 14 of Government Proceedings Act

On Friday (5 February), a redditor on r/Singapore shared screenshots of the…

Ho Ching to retire from Temasek Holdings CEO post; Temasek International CEO Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara to succeed her

Ho Ching, the wife of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, will be…

How many has Singapore hung from the gallows?

by Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss The death penalty has been a part of crime…

何晶10月退休 淡马锡首席执行长一职由狄澜接棒

淡马锡控股首席执行长何晶,将于今年10月退休,交棒狄澜(Dilhan Pillay)。 淡马锡控股在今早宣布上述消息。狄澜目前也是淡马锡国际(Temasek International)首席执行长。根据该集团发布的新闻稿,指狄澜上任将在今年10月1日生效,何晶则将卸下CEO一职以及董事职务。 淡马锡董事长林文兴则指出,何晶在任期间表现积极,多年来在集团内外物色潜在接棒人,对于培养淡马锡强大领导班子扮演重要角色。 领导交接是董事局的战略责任,自2000年以来就有进行年度检讨,让董事局能针对突发状况做好准备,以及在不同时间范围采用不同交棒选项。 自2010年来,狄澜在淡马锡就有不同领导经验,包括领导投资组合管理团队,监督美洲区市场投资团队。剑桥大学法学所毕业,此前他是WongPartnership律师楼的合伙人。曾在新加坡管理大学、法律教育学院、樟宜机场公司和一些淡马锡子公司旗下服务。 57岁的狄澜也发起并组成企业发展集团,藉创新驱动公司长期成长;也积极参与公共政策咨询,发挥他在公司法、并购、企业管理以及在全球广泛业务的法律经验。 与此同时,狄澜是未来经济理事会成员和新加坡金融管理局金融中心顾问。

Tokyo 2020 officials to discuss chief’s sexist remarks: reports

Tokyo Olympic organisers are planning to meet this week to discuss their…

WHO team probing COVID origins in China to brief media

An international team of experts wrapping up a month spent in China…

Military rule will be different this time: Myanmar coup leader

Myanmar’s army chief Monday insisted military rule would be different this time,…