No socialising, no handshakes and definitely no hugs — that’s what athletes at the coronavirus-postponed Tokyo Olympics can expect this summer, according to a virus rulebook...
Sexist comments made by Tokyo 2020 chief Yoshiro Mori were “completely inappropriate”, the International Olympic Committee said Tuesday, as the row over his controversial remarks continues...
The WHO mission to China to uncover the origins of the coronavirus failed to identify the source of a pandemic which has swept across the world,...
工人党前非选区议员余振忠形容,现今越来越多专才成为在野党候选人,足以与人民行动党分庭抗礼,使得在野党俨然成为当今主流。 “喜不喜欢都好,我认为在负责任态度之下、加之越来越多候选人,他们的专业与学术资历与行动党的(候选人)同等匹敌,在野党正成为主流。” 过去,人民行动党常描绘,新加坡只足够形成A队,有规模的反对党出现反而不利新加坡。 回溯2011年,新加坡总理李显龙,曾表示两党制在新加坡根本行不通。治国最关键的是人才,唯有让A队有最大的成功机会,才能保障国家的前途,不能为了反对党所说的“买保险”,而去削弱A队。 本月6日,英语媒体《慈母舰》主办论坛“2020大选后的新加坡青年”,同时受邀的还有知名漫画家刘敬贤(Sonny Liew)以及律师朱正熙。 论坛上也有听众询问,在资讯更为流通、年轻人政治醒觉抬头下,主讲人对于未来10至20年新加坡政治发展的观点。 余振忠认为,上届选举的盛港集选区选举结果,将是很有趣的个案研究。“工人党青年竞选团队,竟然把三位强大执政党的政治职务者斩落马,这显示相对年轻选民对改变抱持开放态度。” 朱正熙也指出,对于信息的接触、新社交平台崛起,也在影响着未来的选举。例如,利用脸书做竞选宣传还是不久前的事,但如今也加入了Instagram,年轻人也转向抖音(Tik Tok),而抖音的使用群体好些还只是12至16岁、未有投票权的青少年。 相比过去被管控的资讯,他认为,如今事社交平台赋权群众,有能力去影响那些政治人物。 对此,刘敬贤则以中国政府成功管控媒体为例,质问政府是否仍会继续允许资讯的自由流通?他指过去中国还是向新加坡学习如何管控政治程序,如今可能我国政府会向它们学习。 对此,余振忠坦言希望这一天不会发生,因为现如今面对“泼马”法令人们都已感到不安,希望不会演变成如其他国家那般的诸多管制。
Singapore has recorded an increase in the overall crime rate due to a rise in scam cases despite remaining one of the safest cities in the...
All schools have suspended outdoor activities involving heights such as rock climbing and rope obstacles with immediate effect, following the death of a student who fell...
Security forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas at anti-coup protesters in Myanmar on Tuesday as demonstrators around the country defied a military ban on rallies....
In a departure from the usual movement control order (MCO) regulations, restaurants and other eateries in Malaysia will be permitted to run dine-in services with a...
Amnesty International has called on the Singapore government to take immediate steps to end systematic discrimination and stigmatising attitudes and policies that limit the human rights...
As of Tuesday noon (9 Feb), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 11 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...