Students march during a protest against the military coup at Dagon University in Yangon on 5 Feb 2021 (Source: AFP)

The police have issued a warning against plans to hold protests in Singapore with regard to the ongoing political situation in Myanmar.

In a statement on Friday (5 Feb), the authority said that they are aware of online posts by Myanmar nationals working or residing in Singapore, planning protests in Singapore in relation to recent developments in their homeland.

According to the police, the online posts are encouraging people to participate in protests.

However, the authority reminded the public that “organising or participating in a public assembly without a police permit in Singapore is illegal and constitutes an offence under the Public Order Act”.

“Foreigners visiting, working or living in Singapore are also reminded to abide by our law,” the police stressed, adding that they “should not import the politics of their own countries into Singapore”.

The authority went on to say that those who break the law will be “dealt with firmly”, and may have their visas or work passes terminated.

Tensions run high in Myanmar as its military seized power 

Earlier on Monday (1 Feb), Myanmar’s military announced a State of Emergency for one year, with all legislative, executive, and judicial powers transferred to Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

On the same day, senior members from the ruling National League for Democracy, including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, were arrested, while pro-democracy activists have also been arbitrarily arrested.

In addition, there have been reports of the Internet being disrupted and the presence of soldiers on the streets.

Many civil society organisations and political figures have voiced out against the attempted coup by the military force.

On Thursday (4 Feb), US President Joe Biden called on Myanmar’s generals to “relinquish power”, and demanded they free civilian leaders detained in this week’s coup, as his administration said it was considering sanctions.

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