Singapore’s Keppel Offshore & Marine (O&M) will exit the rig-building business after completing existing rigs under construction, and focus on infrastructure projects, including renewable energy, said...
马国货车司机载货入境本地,却因为需接受冠病检测而塞车,导致罗厘受困车龙18小时,约3500只鸡活活闷死。 新加坡鸡鸭出入口商联合会会长王建山昨日(28日)傍晚透露,不少载货入境本地的马国货车司机因需接受冠病检测,导致大士关卡这两天出现塞车的情况,所运送的货物也因此受到影响。 有受影响的商家还申诉有罗厘从马国进入大士关卡时,足足塞车18小时,约3500只活鸡闷死。 不少鸡屠宰场也受到影响,包括本地10家屠宰场。据王建山所道,其中一家屠宰场是他所属公司,昨日也闷死了2千300只,损失约万元。 不仅仅是本地业者受到影响,就连马国业者也叫苦连天。马媒报道,从马来西亚柔佛出发到新加坡的15辆载活鸡罗里周三堵在大士关卡,其中5辆罗里困在车龙长达11个小时。 正常情况下,这些罗厘在清晨6点左右就开始陆续抵达,而屠宰场在下午5点左右处理完所有鸡只后,司机就收集鸡笼并开车返回马国。 然而,由于第二通道严重塞车,导致第一辆罗厘上午9点才抵达屠宰场,比平时迟了约三小时。他说,最后一辆晚上9点才抵达,严重影响宰杀流程。 除了家禽受到影响,蔬果的运送也受到影响,蔬果进口商李前广表示,“顾客昨天没得用,货物慢到我们就是今天没有得卖,今天的我们就卖给明天的,明天的就卖后天的,假如太多我们会订少一点货来。” 业者表示,随着农历新年的临近,国人对蔬果和家禽的需求将会相应增加,因此希望有关当局能够增派人手,加快冠病检测和舒缓交通。
COVID-19 may damage sperm quality and reduce fertility in men, according to a new study based on experimental evidence. The viral disease — which has swept...
The Australian think tank, the Lowy Institute, has produced a COVID Performance Index to measure the coronavirus response of nearly 100 nations. In its ranking, the...
Out of more than 113,000 people in Singapore who received the COVID-19 vaccine to date, three have developed severe allergic reactions. The Ministry of Health (MOH)...
据卫生部文告,迄今为止,本地已有11万3千人接种第一剂冠病19疫苗,超过50人完成第二剂接种。 卫生部称,与卫生科学局密切关注辉瑞疫苗的安全性。截至1月27日,卫生科学局共接到432例接种疫苗后起不良反应的通报,大多是注射处肿痛、发烧、头疼、晕眩等症状,或是红疹等过敏反应。当局声称,这些不良反应逾其他疫苗出现的反应相似,一般在数日就会消退。 还有三名年龄为20、30岁的人士,接种后出现严重过敏,包括喉咙紧缩、气喘、嘴唇红肿和红疹。他们有过敏性鼻炎,以及曾对贝类海鲜过敏。由于不曾出现严重过敏反应才获准接种疫苗。 但当局称,严重过敏及早发现或治疗能受控制。三人目前已康复,并在一天观察或治疗后出院。 本地疫苗严重过敏的发病率,为每10万剂疫苗中有2.7例。
Only six per cent of consumers in Singapore – the lowest percentage from all markets surveyed – would revert to their old methods of payments after...
It was reported that Singapore is facing a severe tech crunch in the technology sector as more tech giants expanding operations in the city-state. Minister-in-charge of...
JAKARTA, INDONESIA — Numerous natural disasters have hit Indonesia since the beginning of 2021. According to the country’s disaster mitigation agency (BNPB), 221 natural disasters were...
Vietnam recorded its first coronavirus outbreak in almost two months on Thursday, with more than 80 new cases reported as authorities began testing tens of thousands...