EZ-Link Pte Ltd, pioneer of contactless payments in Singapore, on Thursday (28 Jan) unveiled its newest iteration of the EZ-Link card, which is designed to bring more ease and convenience to commuters.

By using an account-based ticketing system, these new EZ-Link cards provide commuters with a seamless travel experience and improved digital services, as well as offering lifestyle-centric features catered to their day-to-day needs.

“EZ-Link is a longtime advocate of e-payments. Together with our recent EZ-Link Wallet launch and rebranding, the new account-based EZ-Link cards are part of our broader transformation roadmap to strengthen our digital ecosystem,” said Nicholas Lee, CEO of EZ-Link Pte Ltd.

The launch of the EZ-Link cards came after a successful pilot trial that was conducted for 3,000 EZ-Link mobile app users last September.

According to EZ-Link, over 80 per cent of participants surveyed indicated that they had a positive experience using the card.

The most favourable feature of the new account-based EZ-Link was the ease of performing top-ups for family members and oneself anytime and anywhere, without the need for physical card via the EZ-Link mobile app.

Commuters also liked that they were able to keep track of their transport spending as well as receiving low balance notifications, and earning rewards as they go.

For the best user experience, commuters are recommended to link their account-based EZ-Link cards to the EZ-Link mobile app so as to enjoy these benefits:

  • Contactless and remote top-ups: Top-ups can now be done remotely to such EZ-Link cards in real time for commuters and family members without the presence of physical cards. No more time wasted queuing at physical top-up channels.
  • Seamless Auto Top-Up application: Apply for Auto Top-Up function via the app without having to make a trip to the General Ticketing Machine or TransitLink Ticket Office.
  • Get rewarded with every ride: Earn EZ-Link Rewards points for every transaction made with the card and redeem from over 100 merchants via the app.
  • Manage travel budgets better: Keep track of your transport spending via the app.
  • Receive instant updates: Get notified via push notifications for every transaction made and when there is low or insufficient balance as card balances will no longer be displayed on bus fare reader and train gantries.
  • Enhanced Security: Blocking of lost cards to prevent unauthorized usage and loss of remaining card balance will only take 30 minutes to take effect, compared to up to 48 hours previously.

More information on the account-based EZ-Link card can be found here.

Source: EZ-Link
Source: EZ-Link
Source: EZ-Link
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