23 civil society organisations in Asia said in a statement on Tuesday (26 Jan) that they stand in solidarity with the human rights defenders and the...
Education Minister Lawrence Wong said on Monday (25 January) that the recent hike in imported COVID-19 cases in the country is not due to more travellers...
The declaration of Emergency aimed at curbing further spread of COVID-19 should not be politicised, said Senior Minister for Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob. The declaration was...
担忧位于乌鲁班丹的杜佛树林(Dover Forest)被开发,有居民发起网络请愿,提醒本地自然区域已逐渐减少,希望当局能保住之间这片林地。 前进党秘书长陈清木医生,也发文表示,欣慰居民Sydney Cheong自发发起护林请愿活动,以保留丰富的自然多样物种生态。 陈清木也忆述,多年来他与妻子也有机会透过公园连道路线,享受杜佛森林的清幽。 他认为,杜佛森林如同都市中的绿肺,也具备凝聚社群的功能。例如观鸟者、跑步、脚踏车骑士、遛狗的居民群众,都共同使用这片绿地或林荫小道。 “我们会发现,未受污染绿地赋予人类的优美和谐,是金钱也买不到、来自大自然的恩赐。”而这种大自然的美是无法用修建整齐的美化植物重新构筑的。 杜佛森林含有丰富的生态,包括120种植物与158物种,包括飞禽、蜥蜴、两栖类、哺乳动物、昆虫与蜗牛的栖息地,其中涵盖了不乏濒危动植物。 根据建屋局的环境基准报告,当局早在2017年便对杜佛树林进行研究,在上世纪20至40年代曾是橡胶园地,但在战后被搁置。林地约有33公顷(约46个足球场大小),近半为次生林。 从1980年代至今,这片林地以及四条淡水溪流就未曾被干涉,可见这是动植物的一片净土。 SAVE DOVER FOREST – THE SOUL OF THE COMMUNITY Over the years, my wife and I...
As of Tuesday noon (26 Jan), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 14 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the total...
Japan’s government said Tuesday it still planned to recruit 10,000 medical personnel for the virus-delayed Olympics, despite the heavy strain on the healthcare system caused by...
Almost two-thirds of businesses in Singapore, or 63 per cent, have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with revenue declined by 31 per cent on...
New Zealand’s borders are likely to remain closed for much of the year as health officials assess global vaccine rollouts, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern warned Tuesday....
A woman lost her almost one-year-old puppy, moments after it was crushed by a car in the area of Lorong K Telok Kurau on Saturday (23...
裕廊飞禽公园(Jurong Bird Park)50周年纪念,将票价调至1971年开幕时的价格,即2.50元,接待本地游客。 不过,一名乐龄民众就撰文反映,原来参观不同景区,还需多付其他票价。 原本裕廊飞禽公园的票价为成人32元、3至12岁儿童21元、60岁以上老人则是15元。获悉公园推出50周年优惠,他与妻子也为之心动,以为只要花2.50元,就能参观整个飞禽公园。 不过在入园后才得知,在至少五个有闸鸟舍,各花费2.50元才能继续参观,即他们还多花了17.50元。两人各花了20元,才能参观所有裕廊飞禽公园的景区。“结果我们连喝咖啡的钱都没有了。” 这位民众在《海峡时报》的读者来函上,坦言较后才看到,飞禽公园官网确实写着,每个景区入门票两块半。 虽然还是比起原本的票价便宜了12元,但在官网上,需要用户自行点击票务页面上的条款,方能看到说明: “访客首次入场的价格,欲参观其他有闸鸟舍或表演则需额外收费”(First Price Admission for Local Residents – Additional nominal charges apply for entry into gated aviaries and shows.)...