In response to a video circulating online showing platform doors at an MRT stations closing and opening on its own with no one around, SMRT responded that this was part of a maintenance testing which took place during engineering hours in the wee hours of 7 January.

In a Facebook post late on Monday (11 Jan), SMRT said, “The opening and closing of the platform doors was part of the maintenance testing conducted by SMRT during engineering hours on 7 Jan at about 3.40am.”

“The testing was recorded on video by staff of an SMRT contractor who was present at Marina South Pier station,” the post continued.

Emphasising that it prioritises the safety of consumers, the public transport operator added that it “does not condone the spreading of fake news which may cause concern to the public”.

SMRT also said that it has engaged the contractor and followed up on the matter, adding that the original video has since been removed.

However, the video is still available on the 新加坡眼 Singapore Eye Facebook page alongside a caption which reads: “Don’t lean on the automatic door at the end, otherwise the consequences are unthinkable.”

From this post, it appears that the video was original posted on TikTok.

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“若选举似乎对执政党有利” 反对党认同当前应专注抗疫

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