The ballot papers and other documents used in the General Election (GE) last year will be destroyed on 16 January, said the Elections Department (ELD) in a statement on Monday (11 Jan).

In accordance with the Parliamentary Elections Act (Chapter 218), ballot papers and other documents used in an election are sealed and retained in safe custody at the Supreme Court for a period of six months prior to their destruction.

This is to ensure secrecy of the vote.

According to the ELD, all sealed boxes containing ballot papers and other documents used in GE2020 will be transported from the Supreme Court to the Tuas South Incineration Plant for destruction by incineration.

It continued, “As mentioned in the Elections Department’s (ELD) press release of 5 October 2020, a copy of the register of electors for polling district PN23 of Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC was accidentally sealed in a box containing ballot papers.

“With the order issued by the President, the box will be opened at Supreme Court so that the register can be retrieved, for the purpose of preparing the list of electors in PN23 who did not vote at the election.”

The ELD went on to say that the box will be re-sealed and sent for destruction along with the other boxes.

Safe management measures will be put in place during the proceedings at both locations, including limiting the number of representatives from political parties who can be present to witness the proceedings.

The ELD noted that it has reached out to the political parties to nominate their respective representatives.

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