As of Saturday (2 January), 12 pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed 33 new cases of COVID-19 infection, which is the highest number of...
The Singapore Parliament will sit at 1:30 pm on Monday, 4 January 2021, for the 14th session of the 14th Parliament. *99 oral questions and 52...
A lucky draw in which participants will only need to pay $1 and have a chance to land a condominium in Tampines has raised eyebrows. With...
In her New Year’s address, President Halimah Yacob talked entirely about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and how Singapore needed “all hands on deck” to...
尽管2020年充满挑战,不过工人党盛港集选区两位女议员,相继告知人们欣慰的好消息,何廷儒和辣玉莎相继顺利生产,工人党添两个“小铁锤”! 此前,工人党官方脸书与何廷儒的个人脸书,在上月31日宣布已顺利产子,当时另两名议员林志蔚和蔡庆威也前来探望祝贺。何廷儒相信,这也是结束2020年最好的方式。 这是何廷儒的第三子,她尚有两名分别是两岁和三岁的儿子。她也感谢医疗人员在佳节期间仍给予无微不至照顾。 Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! 🎊🎉 What a splendid way to wrap off 2020 with the latest addition to our family making… Posted...