The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) announced on Monday (21 December) that more individual physical proficiency test (IPPT) related activities for operationally ready national servicemen will restart from January 2021.

From 4 January, the Singapore Armed Forces will recommence IPPT preparatory training (IPT) at fitness conditioning centres and IPT-in-the-Park, which permits NSmen to carry out their training at parks closer to their homes, MINDEF said in a Facebook post.

It added that these sessions will be done at reduced capacity and in small groups as per the phase three guidelines by statutory board Sport Singapore, in accordance with the country’s COVID-19 measures.

“Some of the safe management measures that will be in place include temperature taking, physical distancing, and the wearing of masks at all times (except during the conduct of strenuous physical activities),” the Ministry explained.

It added that NSmen can also start booking their IPT slots from 28 December via the NS Portal.

“The SAF continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation in Singapore and review the measures in place to keep our servicemen safe.

“The SAF has also been reviewing our NS IPPT System, and will release details of the review when ready. We thank our NSmen for their continued commitment to National Service,” MINDEF stated.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IPPT and in-camp training (ICT) for NSmen were temporarily suspended on 31 March.

However, from October onwards, these trainings began resuming progressively. Fitness conditioning centres at different camps also began reopening for IPPT from 1 October.

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