In a year marked by a pandemic and continued global uncertainty, a total of 32 companies across Singapore have been named among HR Asia’s Best Companies to Work for in Asia.

The award recognises companies that have shown world-class employee engagement and workplace excellence, while still displaying demonstrable empathy and care for their employees.

Over 180 companies in Singapore were shortlisted, but only 32 were named as winners.

Award winners include six-time consecutive winner Far East Organization, four-time consecutive winners British American Tobacco, Mazars LLP, and Mundipharma Singapore, three-time consecutive winner Borouge Pte Ltd and SAS Institute Pte Ltd, as well as the two-time consecutive winners City Developments Limited, Coach Singapore Pte Ltd, Evonik (SEA) Pte Ltd, NTUC First Campus Co-operative Ltd, Sanofi and Zuellig Pharma Singapore.

“The survey in Singapore this year has once again highlighted the leading role played by Singaporean companies in promoting employee welfare and engagement. Singaporean companies consistently score higher than regional peers in such areas as group dynamics and team cohesion; and this year is no different”, said William Ng, group publisher and editor-in-chief of Business Media International, the publisher of HR Asia.

He added, “In times like these, we ask the all-important question: what separates the absolute best of employers from the good ones? Over the past 11 years of running Asia’s largest HR media brand, and 7 of those years surveying thousands of companies and millions of employees for the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia; we distilled the shortlist of answers to only one: empathy”.

This year, six Singaporean companies also won the WeCare certification, which is given out along with the HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2020. They are Baxter Healthcare (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Borouge Pte Ltd, Certis, Johnson and Johnson Pte Ltd, Lazada Singapore Pte Ltd, and SAS Institute Pte Ltd.

As for the rating criteria to select the winners, employees were asked to evaluate their employers using the proprietary Total Engagement Assessment Model (TEAM) survey, which covers collective consciousness, workplace sentiment as well as team dynamics.

The awards is also Asia largest and it covers over 300,000 employees across 11 markets, making it the only awards programme that is entirely employee driven.

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