Source: Goh Chok Tong / Facebook

Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong took to his Facebook on Wednesday (16 Dec) to reveal that he will be undergoing radiation therapy to ensure all cancerous cells in his body are killed off.

ESM Goh noted that there will be 20 sessions over the course of four weeks.

“What a way to celebrate the festive season!” he expressed in a seemingly optimistic manner.

In the last four weeks, ESM Goh said that has been going to the hospital for the umpteenth time; first to remove his kidney stone, and subsequently to biopsy a suspicious nodule in his larynx.

“The nodule had squamous cells. Fortunately, after excision, the MRI of the neck and the CT scan of the chest showed no trace of these bad cells,” he stated, before mentioning the need for radiation therapy.

ESM Goh went on to say that he has been sharing his medical journey lately to “encourage everyone to go for regular or annual health screenings”.

In his post, he shared that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has a subsidised ‘Screen for Life programme for all Singaporeans – though he noted that his treatment was not subsidised.

Hence, ESM Goh urged those who may be experiencing a lump in their throat and a change in their voice to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor.

“Ignorance, delay and denial may be costly. Spot and treat the cancer early, the 5-year survival rate is over 90 percent. Do it after it has spread, the survival rate drops to below 30 percent,” he added.

ESM Goh concluded his post saying, “My thundery showers will pass. I am looking forward to clear blue sky before the Chinese New Year — and more good years thereafter.”

He also extended season’s greetings, and wished everyone good health.

Read: Goh Chok Tong Undergoes Kidney Stone Laser Procedure; Praises Singapore’s World-Class Medical Service

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