China has put one northern city in lockdown and launched citywide coronavirus testing in another, after two local infections involving workers at a port and trade...
South Korea on Saturday reported its highest daily number of coronavirus cases so far, with a surge centred on the capital region sparking fears the country...
Hong Kong media tycoon and Beijing critic Jimmy Lai appeared in court on Saturday morning to face a charge under the national security law that could...
As of Saturday (12 December), 12 pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed 8 new cases of COVID-19 infection. This brings the total number of...
Human Rights lawyer M Ravi will be appearing in State Court this coming Wednesday (16 Dec), to answer to a Criminal Defamation charge under Section 499...
上月7日,新加坡警方发文告,证实接到检控官援引刑事程序第16(2)项,指示警方依刑事诽谤罪名调查本地律师拉维。 拉维则在今日(12日)更新脸书帖文,指出他已接到警方通知,要求他在下周三(16日),针对刑事诽谤的提控出庭。拉维坚信法律站在他一方,无需感到畏惧,他将在庭上抗辩。 事缘拉维在11月6日,在脸书称本地资深律师尤金.图莱辛甘(Eugene Thuraisingam),于2017年告诉他,内政暨律政部长尚穆根自称能对大法官梅达顺“施加影响”,而且还能“发号施令控制梅达顺”(“calls the shot and controlls (sic) Sundaresh Menon)。 对此尤金致函尚穆根澄清,拉维的言论不属实,尚穆根也未曾告知他上述言论。 “始终对大法官怀有崇高敬意” 拉维也在脸书重新分享涉诽谤的帖文原文,其中在文末提及,他不同意尚穆根对大法官有任何影响。他指出,尽管由于他受理的司法申请性质和迫切性,在庭上与大法官多有激烈交锋,“但我始终对大法官有崇高敬意,且对于我和我的客户给予应有的礼貌和公正,并坚守司法独立最佳传统的法治精神。” 若刑事诽谤罪成,可被判坐牢最长两年,或处以罚款,或两者兼施。
Human rights lawyer M Ravi has been charged by the authorities on Friday for defaming Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam in a Facebook post...